
Driftwood sculpture of a White-Bellied Sea Eagle
54cm high x 41cm wide x 18cm depth (weight 4kg)

My favorite piece so far.  I’ve had this image in my head for ages and by chance came across a picture that immediately screamed “that’s exactly it”!!! I especially loved sculpting the beak, and scouring for feather shaped driftwood was a challenge. The White-Bellied Sea Eagle with a wingspan up to 2.2 meters is native to Australias entire coastline, it is however ranked as Threatened in Victoria and Vulnerable in South Australia and Tasmania. This majestic coastal bird has numerous names in the aboriginal language depending on dialect, and is the emblem of The Booderee National Park, NSW, home of Jervis Bay.

Price does not include shipping.
Pick up only in Mount Martha, Australia.

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Price excludes shipping
